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Stereo Vision

A display system that works in the same way as human sight - by sending slightly differing images to each eye, a stereoscopic view is created. Most HMDs use sterio vision to create the effect.

Issues with the display of stereo vision lead to the motion sickness that many experienced with full immersion VR systems in the 90s.

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Epipolar Geometry

Stereo Vision


Resources in our database matching the Term Stereo Vision:

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Probing the Differences Between Organic Vision and Machine Vision
A group of researchers from UC Santa Barbara have been comparing the human visual system to machine vision systems from an architectual and programming perspective, to see what, exactly makes human vision systems more efficient - and gain some insight on how to replicate that.

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Solar Landscapes Captured & Available
NASA's STEREO probes have reached their optimal positions. The purpose? To create a continually changing, real-time map of the spherical star, more than detailed enough to use for terrain.

This book gives senior undergraduate and beginning graduate students and researchers in computer vision, applied mathematics, computer graphics, and robotics a self-contained introduction to the geometry of 3D vision; that is the reconstruction of 3D models of objects from a collection of 2D images.

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Reverse Engineering The Ability to See
There are a few, albeit exceedingly rare cases, where after a lifetime of blindness, a human's vision is naturally restored. These cases, properly studied, are yielding impressive amounts of data on how a vision system forms in a mature mind - and thus how to recreate the same, in machine vision.

A basic problem in computer vision is to understand the structure of a physical sceene from just one or two camera?s perspective. This book attempts to provide a basic background in everything you need to know to be able to create a computer vision system, and train it to deal with the physical world.

An applied introduction to modern computer vision, focusing on a set of computational techniques for 3-D imaging. Covers a wide range of fundamental problems encountered within computer vision and provides detailed algorithmic and theoretical solutions for each. Each chapter concentrates on a specific problem and solves it by building on previous results.

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Towards General Purpose Vision
The five-year tale of Bob Mottram's quest to create a general purpose machine vision with two eyes, able to see the world how humans do.

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Optical Machine Vision Navigation System Found in Flies
A study conducted to understand how flies and bees can navigate so precisely using just natural sunlight, has interesting implications for machine vision, and adding additional sense-based navigation systems to UAVs and UGVs without adding the weight or cost of any extra hardware.

Written by the creators of OpenCV, the widely used free open-source library, this book introduces you to computer vision and demonstrates how you can quickly build applications that enable AR applications, peripherals and robotics to interpret visual input from cameras, separate out the elements of the scene, and then make decisions based on that data.


Industry News containing the Term Stereo Vision:

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(Taken from the press release)

Consisting of two rooms, the first room will boast a five metre wide screen, flanked by two smaller three metre wide screens. The rear projected stereo system will enable three channel passive ...

June 13, June 18 2010
San Francisco, California, USA

Papers in the main technical program must describe high-quality, original research.
Topics of interest include all aspects of computer vision and pattern reco...

Australian researchers have made two important advances in the development of unmanned aircraft capable of seeing for themselves as they fly fast and low over dangerous terrain.

A team from the The Vision Centre and Queenslan...

Inspired by the behavior of the human eye, Boston College computer scientists have developed a technique that lets computers see objects as fleeting as a butterfly or tropical fish with nearly double the accuracy and 10 times the speed of e...

Tai Chiem, a Japanese designer, is creating a stirr, with a new prototype model PSP or Playstation portable, that consists of essentially a telescope tube from which unravels a flexible display membrane.

An electrical charge ...